Kenya safari tours, world air travel and tours

Kenya is undoubtedly, the premier safari destination for many travellers.There are few, if any, destinations in the world that offer such a diversity of wildlife, scenery and culture. With the sheer variety of experiences on offer in Kenya, no other country on Earth can offer a visitor as much to see and do.


The Africa of Your Dreams

Kenya is the Africa of everyone’s dreams. It has broad horizons, wide-open spaces, piercing daylight from an overhead sun, friendly smiling people and, above all, the chance to go on an African safari and view an abundance of wildlife in its natural environment.

Almost every known landform on the planet exists within Kenya, a country, from snow capped mountains and glaciers, to arid deserts, from the dry and dusty savannah plains to the cool fresh waters of lakes and rain forests.

The Great Rift Valley, its floor littered with extinct volcanoes, cuts through Kenya from north to south. On the equator lies the majestic Mt. Kenya (5,199m), to the north, the remote and rugged semi-deserts of the Northern Frontier. To the west, the largest lake on the continent – Lake Victoria, and the source of the River Nile.


Great Wildebeest Migration

To the south, the Maasai Mara hosts the annual Great Migration, the last of its kind on earth. This unique spectacle, which can be viewed by hot-air balloon or on the ground in the midst of the action, occurs as huge herds of wildebeest and zebra follow the fresh grazing that sprouts in the wake of the annual rains.

A single herd over a million strong brings the grassland to life as they continue their timeless cycle of regeneration each year and Kenya offers a front row seat for a safari experience that you simply cannot miss.


Extensive & Professional Safari Network

Kenya has an extensive safari network, with plenty of options to suit any traveller’s needs. Whether you’re looking for a budget Kenyan safari, a sampling of the best Kenya has to offer or a safari experience somewhere in between, Kenya has it all.

Kenya offers the traveller an unparalleled range of safari options. The incredible diversity of landscapes, cultures, wildlife and activities mean endless opportunities for an African safari experience.


Sandy Beaches on the Swahili Coast

Kenya’s beaches have been labeled ‘some of the most romantic’ in the world, with ancient Swahili culture and white sandy beaches.


Vibrant African Culture

Kenya’s culture exemplifies the art of adornment and decoration, and history shows that this has been a long and influential tradition. Throughout the country, there are many examples of rock art and cave painting by early man, and of similar designs and motifs carried through recent centuries.

Modern Kenyan culture was born of a myriad of sources and influences both new and old. Despite the many and varied influences that have shaped Kenyan society, Kenya has developed a distinctive and unique culture that is truly Kenyan. If there is one thing in Kenya that speaks of this unique character, it is the melding of traditional societies and culture with the modern world.

Traditionally, Kenyan music originated from several sources. Many of the nomadic tribes of this region share some common ground in the use of songs and chants, particularly among Maa speaking groups. Maa song has always played a large role in ceremonial life, and continues to be one best among many traditional songs.

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